AAEES Highpoints - The Academy's Monthly Newsletter

Additional news available at highpoints.php. To sign up for Highpoints, go to the AAEES Center and create an account.

Subscribe to the AAEES Meetings and Events Calendar

Click here to view the AAEES Events Calendar. Bookmark it or subcribe to our calendar to have the most up-to-date events, meetings, and announcements.

AEESP & AAEES Awards Nominations

Nominations are now open for the 2013 William Brewster Snow Award, the 2013 Frederick George Pohland Medal, and the 2013 Excellence in Environmental Engineering Education (E4) Award.

The William Brewster Snow Award is given annually to recognize an environmental engineering graduate student who has made significant accomplishments in an employment or academic engineering project. The award consists of a plaque and a $250 cash prize. Nominees for this award must be enrolled part or full time in an environmental engineering graduate program pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering or a closely related degree program, or have completed a Master's in Environmental Engineering, or a closely related program, one year or less from January 1 of the year in which the Brewster Snow Award is presented. Eligible applicants will be judged based on academic program and performance (45%), professional or community service (15%), engineering project accomplishment (25%), purpose and goals (10%), and any other evidence provided (5%).

The Frederick George Pohland Medal honors an individual who has made sustained and outstanding efforts to bridge environmental engineering research, education, and practice. Only members of AEESP and/or the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) are eligible to receive this award. The award will consist of a medal, a $1000 cash award, and reimbursement of travel costs of up to $1,000 for travel to the award ceremony.

Nominations must be made by members of AEESP and/or AAEES. Nomination packages should include: (1) a cover letter from the nominator; (2) a full curriculum vitae for the nominee; (3) and at least two, but not more than five, additional letters of recommendation. Past nominations will be carried over and considered for three years and can be modified during this period.

The Excellence in Environmental Engineering Education (E4) Award will be granted to an educator who has made a significant contribution to the profession in the area of educating practitioners. The award will be jointly administered by AAEES and AEESP and will be bestowed annually at the AAEES Annual Awards Luncheon and Technical Conference. A monetary award of $1,000 with an additional $500 for travel by the award recipient to the annual E3 ceremony (April 25, 2013, Washington D.C.) will be granted to the winning nominee.

Nominations are due by March 1, 2013. Click here for more information and to nominate a candidate.

Questions may be directed to:
Professor James R. Mihelcic
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of South Florida
e-mail: jm41@usf.edu; Tel: 813-974-9896

2013 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition (E3)

Promoting innovative, cutting-edge, sustainable projects to agencies and other potential clients is part of the Academy’s mission to protect the environment and public health. If you have projects the world should know about, consult your marketing team, and begin planning your entries now - because obtaining permissions from various departments takes time. The deadline for entries is February 1, 2013. The submission process is entirely electronic. New technical language in the Eligibility section reflects science topics including, but not limited to, Residuals and Biosolids; Odors and Air Pollution Control; Nutrients; Renewable Energy; Microconstituents/Trace Organics; and Field & Lab Instrumentation. Entering the E3 Awards is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards. For entry details, click here. For other information, email jsolmo@aaees.org or info@aaees.org.

Environmental Communications Award Competition

Effectively communicating complex and challenging environmental engineering issues to the public and other stakeholders saves significant time and money. AAEE invites your organization to submit case studies of your best communication efforts that were carried out in the past two years. Entries will be judged by communications experts at consulting firms and agencies. The winners will be announced at the Excellence in Environmental Engineering Awards Luncheon and Conference April 25th at the National Press Club, Washington, DC. The winners will also qualify to enter the IWA's International competition in the North American section. For details, and to enter, email jsolmo@aaees.org. Click here for more information. The deadline for entries is March 1, 2013.

2013 Kappe Lecturer

2012 AAEE Excellence in Environmental Engineering Education recipient George Tchobanoglous, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, has been selected as the 2013 Kappe Lecturer. Click here for more information on the Kappe Lecture Series.

CWEA 2013 Annual Conference: Keys to Success

Save the Date: April 16 - 19, 2013

The 2013 CWEA Annual Conference: Keys to Success will be held on April 16 to April 19, 2013, at the Palm Springs Convention Center in Palm Springs, California. In addition to networking, business and exhibition opportunities offered at the conference as well as the opportunity to participate in the Technical Program provides critical training opportunities.

Click here for more information or click here to download the flyer.

Digital Editions Available

Digital editions of the 2012 Who's Who in Environmental Engineer and the 2012 Environmental Selection & Career Guide are now available. While a downloadable edition of the Selection Guide has been distributed for years, this is the first year for the electronic edition of the Who's Who in Environmental Engineering. The Selection Guide is free and can be acquired from from the AAEES Center.

The electronic edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering is a free and members only benefit and is available, securely, from the AAEES Center. Just log in to your account and click on Download 2012 Who's Who. Again, you must be logged in to your member account to gain access.

Members who requested the print edition will also be receiving theirs in a couple of weeks via us mail.

Have You Visited The AAEES Center?

BCEEs, BCEEMs, BCESs, DEEs, Members, and Student Members. You may now renew and update your membership records online! Additional members-only benefits includes an online directory, search for other members, view updated committee and board rosters, and purchase lapel pins, certificates, and other apparel!

Non-members and guests are also able to use the AAEES Center to apply for membership, subscribe to Environmental Engineer and Scientist, and to purchase AAEES publications. Click on the Login button on the home page to visit the AAEES Center or click on the following link: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEE. The AAEES Center is a secure site!

Environmental Engineer Ranks for Best Jobs in America

Money Magazine/PayScale.com have published their 2011 Best Jobs in America lists. Environmental Engineer came in at #10 for Best Jobs for Fast Growth and #6 for Best Jobs for Saving the World.

The AAEES Career Center

The Boxwood Conference Board reported this morning that online job demand rose by nearly 60,000 ads in September. Even in this so-called "jobless recovery," highly skilled workers are in demand. Unemployment for individuals with a bachelors degree or higher has gone from 5.2% to 4.6% in the last 12 months. The AAEE online career center is the resource for this talent in your industry. Place your open positions on the AAEE Career Center at http://www.aaees.org/aaeescareercenter.php.

Environmental Engineer - Digital Edition now Available
EE Cover

The digital edition of the Fall 2012 issue of Environmental Engineer (Volume 48, Number 4) is now available. Included are Robert C. Marini, P.E., BCEE: Environmental Engineering's "Can Do" Man; What Employer's Want: AAEES Employer Survey on Degree Preferences; Excellence and Innovation in Water Engineering Projects Recognized: International Water Association's Project Innovation Awards Global Winners; In Memoriam: William H. Brinker., P.E., BCEE; and The Rollout of the BCES.

Click on the image to the right to access Environmental Engineer-Online Edition. For more information on Environmental Engineer, click here. If there are stories or features that you are interested in seeing profiled, you can email your ideas and suggestions to YMoulden at aaees.org.